Bone Fit™ classes with Andrea

Written on Thursday, October 4th, 2018

We are offering a new small group exercise class developed by Osteoporosis Canada called Bone Fit™. The class is geared toward anyone with or at risk of having bone loss such as osteoporosis and osteopenia. You will learn to safely complete bone strengthening exercises, improve your function and ultimately your health. The class will be lead by Andrea Hachey, a Bone Fit™ Trained Professional, and will start in October 2018.

  • Mondays from 10-11am at ACCEL Dartmouth (137 Venture Run)
  • Wednesdays from 10-11am at ACCEL Halifax (3711 Joseph Howe Drive)


Call (902) 446-4004 for more information and to register.


Learn more at Bone Fit

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